A Touch of Nirvana unlocks our minds to new possibilities. It’s a trip reminding us to recognize and treasure ourselves and the wonders of the universe that have been gifted to us. Our debut collection draws inspiration from the shared journey through life as we seek a sense of eternity. The intention is for it to serve as a clear indication of expressing gratitude each time you wear it.

God & Me highlights the essence of gratitude. Each day brings us the luxury of life, and to savor existence. We are blessed with the ability to breathe, live, and thrive, as well as with shelter, food, health, and family. Despite its everyday nature, it often pass our minds that it is not guaranteed for everyone. When we overlook these seemingly mundane things, we risk losing the joy of simply enjoying life’s simplicity. Feeling alive is rare, most people just exist. So, appreciate everyone and love everything that happens around you–and to you. Let go. Dream big. Be stupid. Cherish every moment. After all, it’s just life.
Virtual Soulmates explains our devotion to those we adore despite the time we have spent and are expecting to spend together, eternally it holds a magical presence within our hearts. It explores the feeling of ours each time we miss our beloved that is challenging or impossible for us to cherish non-spiritually. This pictures the promise to the ones we have lost or miss that they forever will be our lover, virtually and physically.
Eternal Forgiveness illustrates the grace and empathy of god; the perpetually open gates of redemption are always clear for those who appeal for clemency. He urges us to always ask for restitution regardless of the number of sins committed as he will repeatedly forgive us. For this, we strive to be an impetus for you to explore the desire to claim salvation.